Lessons Learned Dark Horses Sketch Preview from Curiosity with Gusto by Felix Harling
Future of Work

Black Horses for Moonshots and Elephants in the Room

Lessons learned from my fellowship (Final part)

Lessons learned Re-scope Sketch from Curiosity with Gusto by Felix Harling

It’s difficult to don’t fall in love with your “purring cat” who you have created after the first round of workshops. It’s so comfortable to focus on this little baby for an innovation team who has worked together for many weeks. Lessons learned #10: Therefore, it’s good to have 1-2 colleagues outside of the team who have the helicopter view. They make you aware of the obvious “elephants in the room” which may derail your new product or service.

Lessons Learned Dark Horses Sketch from Curiosity with Gusto by Felix Harling

“Black horses” are the kind of ideas which lead to “moonshots”, i.e. unconventional or disruptive solutions for products or services. There is no secret sauce to have these black horses in your project. From my observations during my fellowship there are factors which increase the probability of “black horse” moments:  Lessons learned #11: don’t be satisfied with a round of good ideas, bring the team out of the ideation comfort zone e.g. by changing the space, adding diversity to the team, using at least three ideation methods, adding a research phase to be inspired by what happens at the edge of different disciplines, create multiple low-fidelity prototypes, or focus on extreme users. You’ll find inspirations for ideation methods on sites like experience.sap.com or designkit.org.

Which factors do you find most important to create “dark horse” moments?