Inspired by the fire of new jobs
Future of Work

Be inspired by the fire of new jobs

After a six month sabbatical, I returned to a transformed learning organization, i.e. without a defined job. I had let go of my original position when I handed over the responsibilities to my sabbatical substitute. These were ideal conditions for a fresh start with much curiosity. “Do What’s Right!” is the new credo for leaders […]

Lights makes each creature looking like a magical gift to the world

Ambassadors of light

Wow, I’m still full of energy after the 3-day co-active coaching module with more than 20 fellow coaches. It’s like an energy wave moving and moving. I’ve experienced experiential learning at its best thanks to a team of fully dedicated, supportive, challenging, inspiring, centred, joyful and curious leaders and assistants. We have played multiple roles: […]